The Allure of Gold:

Gold has a historical and global standing as a sought after and prized possession. ‘The Allure of Gold’ series highlights this rare element, with artist Ling coating seemingly worthless and mundane items entirely in gold. Often transforming overnight, painting the items gold creates an immediate and striking contrast. The confusion creates a focal point and causes the viewer to reflect on the true value of their surroundings.

Conceived walking through the freight yards at Tottenham, Ling and his friends noticed the millions of dollars’ worth of dead carriages which had been there as long as they remembered, slowly rotting away whilst rail freight continues to be in heavy use. The degradation of these freighters highlighted to Ling how value can be can be viewed differently and how easily things can be cast aside. “I started to consider methods to generate contrast and create the perception of value around items that had been deemed worthless.”

“The perception of value is still just that, an illusion. Passers-by will be drawn to a piece and want to take photographs or talk to their friends, the reality remains that they are admiring an item that is worthless. Each piece is still destined for the scrap heap, as it was prior to my intervention and inclusion in ‘The Allure of Gold’”.


Crushed Can


US Consulate - Melbourne - Entrance